Yazar "Azbar, Nuri" için listeleme
Coastal zone problems and environmental strategies to be implemented at Edremit Bay, Turkey
İrtem, Emel; Kabdaşlı, M. Sedat; Azbar, Nuri (Springer, 2005)This case study examines the coastal zone problems focusing on the existing conflicts between tourism and commercial activities on the coasts of Edremit Bay, Turkey, and attempts to suggest solutions to these problems. ... -
Comparative evaluation of a laboratory and full-scale treatment alternatives for the vegetable oil refining industry wastewater (VORW)
Azbar, Nuri; Yonar, Taner (Elsevier Science Bv, 2004)The efficiency of alternative treatment processes in producing a final effluent conforming to regulatory standards with regards to chemical oxygen demand (COD) and oil and grease (O&G) loads was assessed. The study was ... -
Comparison of various advanced oxidation processes and chemical treatment methods for COD and color removal from a polyester and acetate fiber dyeing effluent
Azbar, Nuri; Yonar, Taner; Kestioğlu, Kadir (Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2004)In this paper, a comparison of various advanced oxidation processes (O-3, O-3/UV, H2O2/UV, O-3/H2O2/UV, Fe2+/H2O2) and chemical treatment methods using Al-2(SO4)(3)(.)18H(2)O, FeCl3 and FeSO4 for the chemical oxygen demand ... -
Çevre yönetim sistemleri (ISO 14000 standartları) ve kağıt sanayinde uygulanması
Cevilan, Işıl (Balıkesir Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2003)Çevre koşullarındaki hızlı bozulma ve doğal kaynakların azalmaya başlaması ile dünyanın tüketim kaynaklarının sınırlarına yaklaşıldığı endişesi tüm dünyada sürdürülebilir kalkınma anlayışı ve çevre koruma bilincinin önemini ... -
Defluoridation in drinking waters
Azbar, Nuri; Türkman, Ayşen (I W A Publishing, 2000)Although water supplies containing excessive amount of fluoride are generally very rare worldwide, there are locations in Turkey where drinking water contains very high fluoride concentrations. Especially in the middle and ... -
Design of low-cost ethanol production medium from syngas: an optimization of trace metals for clostridium ljungdahlii
Sertkaya, Simge; Azbar, Nuri; Abubackar, Haris Nalakath; Gündoğdu, Tuğba Keskin (MDPI, 2021)Syngas fermentation via the Wood-Ljungdahl (WL) pathway is a promising approach for converting gaseous pollutants (CO and CO2) into high-value commodities. Because the WL involves several enzymes with trace metal components, ... -
Effect of process configuration and substrate complexity on the performance of anaerobic processes
Azbar, Nuri; Ursillo, Paolo; Speece, Richard E. (Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2001)The roles of substrate complexity (molecular size of the substrate) and process configuration in anaerobic wastewater treatment were investigated to determine optimal methanogenic technology parameters. Five substrates ... -
Simultaneous computer control of pH in multiple environmental laboratory bioreactors
Azbar, Nuri; Şenel, Hakan Güray; Speece, Richard E. (Selper Ltd, 2000)This paper describes the design, construction and operation of a computerized pH control system for environmental laboratory reactors. Since pH is often a key environmental parameter in environmental process reactors, it ... -
Two-phase, two-stage, and single-stage anaerobic process comparison
Azbar, Nuri; Speece, R.E. (Asce-Amer Soc Civil Engineers, 2001)In this research, three anaerobic process configurations-namely, two-phase dual sludge (TPDS), two-stage single sludge (TSSS), and single-stage-were evaluated for effluent COD concentration. The same temperature, SRT, and ... -
Upgrading an existing treatment system to adopt cleaner production principals
Azbar, Nuri (Elsevier Science Bv, 2004)In 1981, SEKA Cellulose and Paper Co. started pulp and newsprint paper production in Balikesir, Turkey. Production technology that was initially TMP (Thermo Mechanical Pulping) was converted to CTMP (Chemical Thermo ...