Yazar "Öner, Poyraz Alper" için listeleme
Design of a multi-channel quartz crystal microbalance data acquisition system
Karapınar, Mustafa; Gürkan, Serkan; Öner, Poyraz Alper; Doğan, Seydi (IOP Publishing, 2018)In this study a multi-channel data acquisition system has been designed, by which mass changes in small quantities can be monitored and recorded by means of a quartz crystal microbalance (QCM) technique. The whole system ... -
Designing a portable data acquisition system for human-computer interface applications
Gürkan, Serkan; Öner, Poyraz Alper; İstanbullu, Ayhan; Doğan, Seydi (IEEE, 2015)In this study, a portable electrooculogram (EOG) data acquisition sytem were designed and applied for human computer interface (HCI) applications. EOG signals sensed from horizontal and vertical eye movements were detected ... -
Development of a multichannel bioinstrumentation system for human-computer interface applications
Öner, Poyraz Alper; Doğan, Seydi; Gürkan, Serkan; Karapınar, Mustafa (Iğdır Üniversitesi, 2022)A multi-channel measurement system used to measure electrocardiogram (ECG), electroencephalogram (EEG), electromyogram (EMG) and electrooculogram (EOG) biosignals has been designed and prototyped. The designed system ... -
Digital signal processing and classification study for electrooculogram signals
Gürkan, Serkan; Öner, Poyraz Alper; İstanbullu, Ayhan; Doğan, Seydi (Ieee, 2015)In this study, EOG signals recorded by an developed electronic hardware are processed by digital signal processing techniques and classified with Nearets Neighbor method. The DC component of the signal is suppressed with ... -
Dost ve düşman tanıma sistemleri için elektronik donanım tasarımı
Öner, Poyraz Alper (Balıkesir Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2009)Bu tezde, bilgi iletimi için, lazer tabanlı bir dost düşman tanıma tanıtma sistemi (IFF - Identification Friend or Foe) tasarlanmış, elektronik devre ve optik anten tasarımı yapılmış, donanım için gerekli yazılımlar ... -
İnsan-makine arabirimi uygulamaları için çok kanallı bir biyosinyal ölçüm sisteminin geliştirilmesi
Öner, Poyraz Alper (Balıkesir Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2019)Bu çalışmada, EKG, EMG, EEG ve EOG biyosinyallerini ölçebilen çok kanallı bir sistem tasarlanarak prototipi üretilmiĢtir. Üretilen prototip modüler ve ayarlanabilir parametre karakteristiğine sahip olup; 2 kanallı EEG, 2 ... -
PMDC motor speed control with fuzzy logic algorithm using PIC16F877 micro controller and plotting data on monitor
In this study, speed of permanent magnet dc (PMDC) motor is controlled with Fuzzy Logic (FL) algorithm at real time. For real time closed loop control, it has been used a PIC16F877 micro controller usage with 8 bit resolution. ...